
I have been invited this year to speak at Brigham Young University’s Campus Education Week. I will be presenting on four different days, with a total audience capacity of around 1,200. My presentation series is called:

Confronting Pornography in Your Individual and Family Life: Real Help for Real Problems

Below is the series schedule with class titles.

Tuesday (Aug 18) – How to Protect Your Children from Pornography’s Harmful Effects

Wednesday (Aug 19) – Confronting Pornography in Marriage Relationships

Thursday (Aug 20) – Key Elements of a Healthy Recovery from Pornography Addiction

Friday (Aug 21) – Dealing with Your Future Husband’s Past Pornography Use

All classes will be in room 250 of the Spencer W. Kimball Tower (SWKT) at 8:30 AM and will run 50 minutes each.

If you want to attend my BYU Campus Education Week presentations, you can sign up on the Campus Education Week website.

Registration is required to attend any part of the conference.